American Atelier At Home Dinnerware
Launched in 1993 as a division of Crystal Clear Industries, American Atelier At Home is one of the most successful businesses on the tabletop scene. Not your typical enterprise, American Atelier At Home's unique approach to its dinnerware collections is with the trend-right design that today's consumer demands. With a truly international perspective, the collections are inspired by cultures both exotic and familiar. The in-house design and development team travels throughout the world searching for the finest materials and manufacturing techniques, as well as for design inspiration. In 2002 Jay Companies acquired the American Atelier At Home division when Crystal Clear Industries went out of business.
The Current American Atelier Patterns
The following patterns are considered current American Atelier patterns. If you do not see your favorite pattern listed here, visit the Discontinued & Current Patterns section for a catalog of all American Atelier patterns that we have identified.
Discontinued American Atelier Patterns
Accidents happen and when a piece of your favorite American Atelier dinnerware breaks, it can be frustrating trying to find a replacement when you discover that your pattern has been discontinued. To help you with your search for replacement or additional pieces for your American Atelier collection, we have created this catalog of the discontinued American Atelier patterns. Just bookmark the page for your pattern, and check back once a week for new listings to add to your collection.
Did we miss your American Atelier pattern ? We'll be happy to create a page for your pattern. Just post your request at our Facebook Page. Patterns are divided alphabetically into separate sections providing thumbnail preview of the pattern.