A Chocoholic's Delight! Microwave Chocolate Pudding for One

Pat Chenier
When Pat Chenier of Beaverlodge, AB, Canada, complained to a friend that her favorite chocolate pudding recipe made too much for just one, and being a chocoholic she would eat too much, her friend gave her a copy of a microwave recipe. Her friend couldn't remember where the recipe, which served two, originated, but Pat cut the recipe in half and was satisfied with the results. Now she can have a dish of chocolate pudding on a moment's notice when the urge overtakes her. She keeps a bottle of chocolate chips in her fridge for those sudden urges.
Pat loves cooking. Her cookbook collection takes up almost a full bookcase (she gave some to her daughter when she left home). Pat says, "I also have a program on my computer for recipes. Now that I am on the Internet, I love to explore new sites. I follow links that look interesting and I never know where I am going to end up." She bookmarks the sites she likes, and also has links to many sites on her own website. Her latest exploration was looking at various cooking-related sites for new ideas for an upcoming potluck supper. One of the members of the group is a Celiac and cannot tolerate certain grains, and she wanted to find something he could eat.
All too often she meets people who say, "I don't have time to learn a new craft," or "I am too old." It is Pat's goal to help as many people as possible cross these barriers. Pat has adopted (and is a living example of) the philosophy, "You are never too old to learn."
Microwave Chocolate Pudding for One
1½ tsp. corn starch
pinch of salt
½ cup milk
1 oz. (½ cup) chocolate chips
Combine corn starch, salt and milk together in an 8 oz. custard cup. Add chocolate chips. Cook 1 minute (_____) at 100% power until hot, but not boiling.
Stir until the melted chocolate chips are completely blended with the milk mixture. Cook 45 seconds (_____) at 100% power more until just beginning to boil.
vanilla ice cream or whipped cream (optional)
Serve warm or chilled. Delicious if topped with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Pat's Additional Notes: I love this recipe! Being a chocoholic I make it often. It is so fast and easy, even a child can make it. I make it right in the bowl I'm going to eat it from. It is good both warm and cold, but most times I can't wait for it to cool. For a different taste, use mint flavored chocolate chips.
NOTE: Cooking times are for a 700-watt oven. For best results with this and any other microwave recipe, please be sure to go to the Timing Section of Microwaving Tips for a complete explanation of timing in the microwave.