Microwave Corn on the Cob in the Husk
In conventional cooking, corn on the cob is usually boiled or grilled. In microwave cooking, you can cook your corn on the cob in the husk to help retain its nutritional benefits. Corn on the cob is high in thiamin and vitamin B6.
Of note, moisture will condense on the oven tray when the corn cooks. To avoid superheating the moisture and causing the tray to crack, always wipe the tray dry before using the oven again and/or putting another utensil in the oven.
Here we provide the Corn on the Cob recipe for the microwave. In addition to the recipe, you'll find a photo diary at the bottom of the page.

Microwave Corn on the Cob
9 oz. ear of corn in husk
Remove and discard dirty outer leaves of husk. Cut off bottom stem and immature top portion with strong knife. Place corn on oven tray or on bottom of oven. Cook 2 minutes (_____) at 100% power. Turn corn over and rotate halfway around. Cook 1 minute (_____) at 100% power. Wrap corn in 2 paper towels. Set aside until rest of meal is prepared.
Final preparation: Remove paper towels from corn. With a paper towel in each hand, strip husk from corn. Rub silk from corn with paper towels. Place corn in corn dish or other appropriate dish.
1 tbsp. butter
Put butter on top of corn. Cover corn dish with another corn dish or a piece of wax paper. Cook 30 seconds (_____) at 100% power to melt butter and heat corn. Roll corn in melted butter and serve.
NOTE: Cooking times are for a 700-watt oven. For best results with this and any other microwave recipe, please be sure to go to the Timing Section of Microwaving Tips for a complete explanation of timing in the microwave.
Photo Diary of Recipe Preparation

(1) Remove and discard dirty outer leaves of husk.

(2) Cut off bottom stem and immature top portion with strong knife.

(3) Place corn on oven tray or on bottom of oven and cook.

(4) Wrap corn in 2 paper towels. Set aside until rest of meal is prepared.

(5) With a paper towel in each hand, strip husk from corn. Rub silk from corn with paper towels.

(6) Put butter on top of corn.

(7) Cover with another corn dish or piece of wax paper. Cook to melt butter and heat corn.

(8) Roll corn in melted butter. Serve.
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