Microwave Salads
Below the list of recipes contained in the Salads chapter of Microwave Cooking for One, is one recipe for you to enjoy. Take some time and explore the other chapters. Once you've tried a few of the recipes, you'll want the entire collection!
- Cabbage Slaw
- Potato Salad
- German Hot Potato Salad
- Momma's Shrimp Salad
- Cranberry Gelatin

Potato Salad
4 oz. new potatoes
Choose potatoes that are uniform in size. Wash potatoes and place in 1-pint Menu-ette*. Cover with lid. Cook 2:00 minutes (_____) at 100% power. Cool potatoes enough to handle. Peel potatoes, then cut into halves and cut halves into thin slices. Place in small bowl.
¼ cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp. chopped green pepper
1/8 tsp. salt
dash of white pepper
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Chill before serving.
NOTE: Cooking times are for a 700-watt oven. For best results with this and any other microwave recipe, please be sure to go to the Timing Section of Microwaving Tips for a complete explanation of timing in the microwave.

The CorningWare Menu-ettes are especially helpful when cooking for one in the microwave.