Microwave Sandwiches
Below the list of recipes contained in the Sandwiches chapter of Microwave Cooking for One, is one recipe for you to enjoy. Take some time and explore the other chapters. Once you've tried a few of the recipes, you'll want the entire collection!
- Chicken Salad Sandwich
- Egg Salad Sandwich
- Fried Egg Sandwich
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Vegetarian Delight Sandwich
- Ham and Cheese Sandwich
- Pattie Melt
- Sloppy Joe Sandwich
- Barbecue Beef Sandwich
- Steak Sandwich
- Reuben Sandwich
- Hot Dog (recipe available)
- Cheese Hot Dog
- Hamburger
- Coriander Hamburger
- Onion Hamburger
- Parmesan Burger
- Chef's Hamburger
- Mushroom Hamburger
- Chili Hamburger
- Cheeseburger (recipe available)
- Bacon Cheeseburger
- Little Pizzas

Sloppy Joe Sandwich
3 oz. lean ground beef*
1 tbsp. chopped fresh or frozen onion
1 tbsp. ketchup
½ tsp. mustard
1/8 tsp. chili powder
½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
½ tsp. salt
dash of black pepper
Place beef in 1½-pint Menu-ette**. Break up beef with fork. Cook 1 minute (_____) at 100% power. Beef will still be pink; mix well with fork until pink color is gone. Add onion, condiments, and spices to Menu-ette. Mix well with rubber spatula. Cover Menu-ette with paper towel. Cook 1 minute (_____) at 100% power. Set aside.
1 unsliced hamburger roll
Slice off top portion of roll and set aside. Press down inside of roll with a small spoon to form a hollow. Fill hollow with meat filling and cover with sliced-off crust.
*Unless top-quality ground beef is used, grease will ooze out of the meat filling into roll. Pour off grease or absorb it with paper towel before putting filling into roll.
NOTE: Cooking times are for a 700-watt oven. For best results with this and any other microwave recipe, please be sure to go to the Timing Section of Microwaving Tips for a complete explanation of timing in the microwave.

The CorningWare Menu-ettes are especially helpful when cooking for one in the microwave.